P5L Social Studies

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Each question has only one correct answer. Write down the correct number for each question. (2 marks each)

1.The Hong Kong Government is also known as the Hong Kong _______.

1) Governor                            
2) President
3)Chief Executive                                                                    (                 )                                                                                                                                                                                                      
2. The Chief Executive of Hong Kong is___________________.
1)Donald Tsang
2)George Bush
3)Donald Duck                                                                        (                 )
3. The District Council Election was held on _______________.
1) December 2nd, 2007
2) July 1st, 1997
3) November 18th, 2007                                                        (                 )
4. Kowloon and Stonecutters Island were given to the British in __________________.
1) 1842
2) 1860
3) 1899                                                                                     (                 )
5. Hong Kong was returned to China in __________________.
1) 1842
2) 1899
3) 1997                                                                                     (                 )


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